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Shift Configuration
Shift is used to define the desirable hours of work for a day. Shift setup is crucial as it is used to calculate work hours, leave hours and shift allowances.



  1. Shift setup has three components:
    1. Header - Shift header describes the shift.
    2. Time Control
      1. Time control defines the shift segments with a breakdown of the "Start Time", "End Time" and "Breaks" for a day.
        1. Shift time is set using the 24hrs clock with a HH:MM format.
        2. "Breaks" added to a shift is not paid.
      2. It also defines the "Normal Hours", "Time and Half" and "Double Time" hours and rates for day.
        1. For example, "Employee X" is assigned day shift. The setup for Monday for day shift is as below.
        2. According to the above setup if the employee works 15 hours on a Monday, the pay rate will be as below:
          1. Normal Hours (S1Hrs) = 8 hours x Pay Rate (S1Rate)
          2. Time and Half (S2Hrs) =  2 hours x [Pay Rate x1.5] (S2 Rate)
          3. Double Time (S3Hrs) =   5 hours x [Pay Rate x 2] (S3 Rate)
      3. Work and leave hours are calculated based on the shift segment for a day.
    3. Shift Allowance - allowances added to a shift will be paid to the employee in every pay.
  2. "Calculate Overtime on Totals" if enabled will calculate overtime based on shift segment.
    1. In week 1, "Employee X" worked all days and worked for 9 hours per day. Overtime will be calculated for the extra hours worked.
    2. In week 2, "Employee X" missed work on Monday and worked 12 hours for the rest of the days. Overtime will not be calculated as employee did not work on Monday. This reflects that "Overtime" is only calculated if an employee has worked for  total "Normal Hours" for a period.

Steps to Create a Shift:

  1. Click on the "Green Plus" sign to add a new shift. This will open the "Edit Form". Refer to Figure 1.
  2. Enter the "Shift ID" and "Description".
    1. "Shift ID" is a unique alphanumeric code to  uniquely identify each Shift.
  3. "Notes" field is to enter additional details for the shift.
  4. "Tick" the "Calculate Overtime on Totals" check box to enable the feature.
    1. Edit the record and "Un-tick" check box to disable feature.
  5. Save
  6. "Tick" the "Void" check box to void a record.
    1. Void records will be "Disabled" and will not appear in any lookups.
    2. Edit the record and "Un-tick" check box  to activate a record.

Steps to setup "Time Control":

Time Control

  1. Click on the "Grey Arrow" next to the Shift ID. This will open shift "Time Control" details. Refer to Figure 2 .
  2. Click on the "Pencil Icon" to edit the shift time and break.

Time Control Details (This is client specific)

  1. The shift setup allows users to setup a specific rate for a certain time.Refer to Figure 2 .
  2. For example, "Employee X" is assigned day shift which starts and 8am and finishes at 5pm.However, the company has a policy where employees starting work before the actual start time would be paid double time.
  3. For the above, scenario we need to define the "Time Control Details".
    1. Go into the time control details for a day.
    2. Click on the "Green Plus" sign. This will open the "Edit Form"
      1. Sequence - This is the sequence of the rates that must be used
      2. Time - Set the time for which the rate is effective
      3. Rate - Set the rate to be paid.
  4. Thus for the example in 2 above, time control details setup would be"
    1. Sequence = 1 , Time = 7am to 8am, Rate = 2.
      Sequence = 2, Time = 8am to 5am, Rate = 1.
    2. Employee would be paid double rate for the 1st hour and paid is paid at rate 1 thereafter

Steps to setup "Allowance":

  1. Click on the "Grey Arrow" next to the Shift ID. This will open shift "Allowance" setup.
  2. Click on the "Green Plus" sign. This will open the "Edit Form".
    1. Select the allowance paycode.Paycodes are maintained in Payroll.
    2. Enter the allowance amount.       
    3. Save.          
  3. "Tick" the "Void" check box to void a record.
    1. Void records will be "Disabled" and will not appear in any lookups.
    2. Edit the record and "Un-tick" check box  to activate a record.     

Figure 1: Shift Maintenance

Figure 2: Shift - Time Control